
Sales Status
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Please enter a higher maximum value than the minimum value.



    #1 Again... this is not an album :)

    Your Own Ticket : 1

    You Can create 1 ticket

    To create a ticket, you must enter your real name and verify your mobile phone.

    Create Ticket

    Please enter your name.
    Please select an artist



    • Your real name and mobile phone number are required when creating a ticket and are required to enter the venue.
    • ID verification may be required before entry. Please prepare your ID
    • Please do not share the generated QR ticket. The company is not responsible.
    - -
    Password change in progress Are you sure you want to cancel?

    Password changed completed Please log in to use the service

    Personal Key

    There is no way to log in when you lost both account password and Personal Key

    Are you sure you want to log out?

    Please LOG IN or SIGN UP

    Forgot password Forgot a password?
    You can reset password with Personal Key!


    Please confirm email format
    Please enter an email

    Personal Key

    Please enter exact Personal Key

    Reset Password Please change your password and use the service
    to protect your valuable information

    New Password

    • Within 8-48 letters
    • Special Symbols
    • Numbers

    Password Confirmation

    Passwords do not match




    Personal Key

    Withdraw membership

    Change Password Please enter your current password
    to protect your valuable information


    Password Confirmation

    Please enter an account password

    Reset password Please change your password and use the service
    to protect your valuable information

    New password

    • Within 8-48 letters
    • Special Symbols
    • Numbers

    Password Confirmation

    Passwords do not match
    Please agree to required items

    Confirm Account Please enter your current password
    to protect your valuable information


    Password Confirmation

    Passwords do not match

    Personal Key Confirm Please store/save Personal Key somewhere secured

    Personal Key

    There is no way to log in when you lost both account password and Personal Key

    Koong Nft App

    Global music direct trading platform, KOONG! Register, own, and sell your favorite music through the KOONG app.

    Global music direct trading platform, KOONG!
    Register, own, and sell your favorite music through the KOONG app.

    KOONG TALK Download


    Global communication, KOONG TALK!
    Enjoy conversations with your precious friends anytime, anywhere with the KOONG TALK app.



    Account Registration After selling music albums on KOONG, the sales amount will be settled.
    Please register your account information for deposit.

    1. Please fill in your English name (same as your English name on your passport).
    2. Please fill in the SWIFT code of your bank.
    3. Please fill in the branch address of the bank you are using.

    Account Details This is the account information to receive the settlement for the sales amount after selling music albums on KOONG.
    If you want to modify, please enter a new account number.

    1. Please fill in your English name (same as your English name on your passport).
    2. Please fill in the SWIFT code of your bank.
    3. Please fill in the branch address of the bank you are using.

    Withdraw membership After membership withdrawal, all member information will be deleted.
    When re-registering, the existing ID can no longer be used.

    Withdrawal completed! Your membership withdrawal has been completed.
    Thank you for using KOONG service in the meantime.

    Please log in via email Joined :
    인증코드가 맞지 않습니다.